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Regatta x Papertale


April 2023



Hypothetical campaign shoot for Regatta x Papertale collaboration. Working closely with the Creative Director and Videographer on this shoot to illustrate the narrative of the target consumer on a ‘typical day’ hiking recreationally. The aim of this campaign was to collaborate Papertales technology and use of NFC tags with Regatta’s consumer base to create awareness of industry supply chain transparency and digitilization.

This shoot was one of two where a video was also created outlining two constrasting narratives; a Bangladeshi garment worker during her day-today role, and the target consumer wearing the end result garment - in this case, the waterproof hiking jacket with accompanying NFC tag. The narrative includes parallels of their lunch routine, interactions with the clothing and more; signifiying the differentiating treatment, cultures and routines that the two individuals experience in addition to the journey of the garment itself from start to finish.

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